Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Commercialization of Education Essay

Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites — Years ago, waterborne diseases accounted for millions of deaths. Even today in underdeveloped countries, an estimated 25,000 people will die daily from waterborne disease. Effects of waterborne microorganisms can be immediate and devastating. Therefore, microorganisms are the first and most important consideration in making water acceptable for human consumption. Generally speaking, modern municipal supplies are relatively free from harmful organisms because of routine disinfection with chlorine or chloramines and frequent sampling. This does not mean municipal water is free of all bacteria. Those of us with private wells and small rural water systems have reason to be more concerned about the possibility of microorganism contamination from septic tanks, animal wastes, and other problems. There is a little community in California, where 4,000,000 gallons of urine hits the ground daily from dairy cows! Authorities say that at least 4000 cases of waterborne diseases are reported every year in the U.S. They also estimate that much of the temporary ills and everyday gastrointestinal disorders that go routinely unreported can be attributed to organisms found in our water supplies. INORGANIC IMPURITIES: Dirt and Sediment or Turbidity — Most waters contain some suspended particles which may consist of fine sand, clay, soil, and precipitated salts. Turbidity is unpleasant to look at, can be a source of food and lodging for bacteria, and can interfere with effective disinfection. Total Dissolved Solids — These substances are dissolved rock and other compounds from the earth. The entire list of them could fill this page. The presence and amount of total dissolved solids in water represents a point of controversy among those who promote water treatment products. Here are some facts about the consequences of higher levels of TDS in water: 1. High TDS results in undesirable taste which could be salty, bitter, or metallic. 2. High TDS water is less thirst quenching. 3. Some of the individual mineral salts that make up TDS pose a variety of health hazards. The most problematic are Nitrates, Sodium, Sulphates, Barium, Copper, and Fluoride. 4. The EPA Secondary Regulations advise a maximum level of 500mg/litter (500 parts per million-ppm) for TDS. Numerous water supplies exceed this level. When TDS levels exceed 1000mg/L it is generally considered unfit for human consumption. 5. High TDS interferes with the taste of foods and beverages, and makes them less desirable to consume. 6. High TDS make ice cubes cloudy, softer, and faster melting. 7. Minerals exist in water mostly as INORGANIC salts. In contrast, minerals having passed through a living system are known as ORGANIC minerals. They are combined with proteins and sugars. According to many nutritionists minerals are much easier to assimilate when they come from foods. Can you imagine going out to your garden for a cup of dirt to eat rather than a nice carrot; or drinking a whole bathtub of water for LESS calcium than that in an 8 ounce glass of milk? 8. Water with higher TDS is considered by some health advocates to have a poorer cleansing effect in the body than water with a low level of TDS. This is because water with low dissolved solids has a greater capacity of absorption than water with higher solids. Toxic Metals or Heavy Metals — Among the greatest threats to health are the presence of high levels of toxic metals in drinking water – Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, and Silver. Maximum limits for each are established by the EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations. Other metals such as Chromium and Selenium, while essential trace elements in our diets, have limits imposed upon them when in water because the form in which they exist may pose a health hazard. Toxic metals are associated with nerve damage, birth defects, mental retardation, certain cancers, and increased susceptibility to disease. Asbestos — Asbestos exists as microscopic suspended mineral fibres in water. Its primary source is asbestos-cement pipe which was commonly used after World War II for city water supplies. It has been estimated that some 200,000 miles of this pipe is presently in use to transport our drinking water. Because these pipes are wearing, the deadly substance of asbestos is showing up with increasing frequency in drinking water. It has been linked with gastrointestinal cancer. Radioactivity — Even though trace amounts of radioactive elements can be found in almost all drinking water, levels that pose serious health hazards are fairly rare–for now. Radioactive wastes leach from mining operations into groundwater supplies. The greatest threat is posed by nuclear accidents, nuclear processing plants, and radioactive waste disposal sites. As containers containing these wastes deteriorate with time, the risk of contaminating our aquifers’ grows into a toxic time bomb. ORGANIC IMPURITIES: Tastes and Odours — If your water has a disagreeable taste or odour, chances are it is due to one or more of many organic substances ranging from decaying vegetation to algae; hydrocarbons to phenols. It could also be TDS and a host of other items. Pesticides and Herbicides — The increasing use of pesticides and herbicides in agriculture shows up in the water we drink. Rain and irrigation carry these deadly chemicals down into the groundwater as well as into surface waters — There are more than 100,000,000 people in the US who depend upon groundwater for sources whole or in part of their drinking water. As our reliance upon groundwater is escalating, so is its contamination. Our own household use of herbicide and pesticide substances also contributes to actual contamination. These chemicals can cause circulatory, respiratory and nerve disorders. Toxic Organic Chemicals — The most pressing and widespread water contamination problem is a result of the organi c chemicals created by industry. The American Chemical Society lists 4,039,907 distinct chemical compounds as of late 1977! This list only is comprised of chemicals reported since 1965. The list can grow by some 6,000 chemicals per week! 70,000 chemicals may still be in production in the US. As of December, 1978, 50 chemicals were being produced in greater quantities than 1,300,000,000 pounds per year in the US. 115,000 establishments are involved in the production and distribution of chemicals, with the business being worth $113,000,000,000 per year. According to the EPA, there are 77,000,000,000 pounds of hazardous waste being generated each year in the US. 90 percent of this is not disposed of properly. This would equal 19,192 pounds of hazardous waste disposed each year on every square mile of land and water surface in the US including Alaska and Hawaii!! There are 181,000 manmade lagoons at industrial and municipal sites in the US. At least 75 percent of these are unlined. Even the lined ones will leak according to the EPA. Some of these are within 1 mile of wells or water supplies. There is still a lack of information on the location of these sites, their condition, and containments. THIS IS A HORROR STORY OF THE MILLENNIUM. Chemicals end up in our drinking water from hundreds of different sources. There are hundreds of publications each year highlighting this problem. The effects of chronic long term exposure to these toxic organics, even in minute amounts, are extremely difficult to detect. Contaminated drinking water may look and taste perfectly normal. The users’ symptoms might include recurring headache, rash, or fatigue – all of which are hard to diagnose as being water related. The more serious consequences of drinking tainted water are higher cancer rates, birth defects, growth abnormalities, infertility, and nerve and organ damage. Some of these disorders may go unnoticed for decades!! Just how toxic these chemicals are may be illustrated by looking at two examples: TCE is a widely used chemical which routinely shows up in water supplies. Just two glassfuls of TCE can contaminate 27,000,000 gallons of drinking water! One pound of the pesticide, Endrin can contaminate 5,000,000,000 gallons of water. Chlorine — Trihalomethanes (THM’s) are formed when chlorine, used to disinfect water supplies, interacts with natural organic materials (e.g. by-products of decayed vegetation, algae, etc.). This creates toxic organic chemicals such as chloroform, and Bromodichloromethane. A further word about chlorine: Scientists at Colombia University found that women who drank chlorinated water ran a 44% greater risk of dying of cancer of the gastrointestinal or urinary tract than did women who drank non-chlorinated water! Chlorinated water has also been linked to high blood pressure and anaemia. Anaemia is caused by the deleterious effect of chlorine on red blood cells.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Electrical Conductors vs Insulators Essay

Every thing in the world is differentiable on the basis of its electrical conductance. Some things are called insulators and these substances never conduct electricity. they include things such as cold air,wood and plastic. Then there are things that conduct electricity and current flows through them, they are called conductors. examples of conductors are most metals like copper and steel. Other materials that are sometimes used as conductors are silver, gold, and aluminum. Copper is still the most popular material used for wires because it is a very good conductor of electrical current and it is fairly inexpensive when compared to gold and silver. Aluminum and most other metals do not conduct electricity quite as good as copper. The electrons of different types of atoms have different degrees of freedom to move around. With some types of materials, such as metals, the outermost electrons in the atoms are so loosely bound that they chaotically move in the space between the atoms of that material by nothing more than the influence of room-temperature heat energy. Because these virtually unbound electrons are free to leave their respective atoms and float around in the space between adjacent atoms, they are often called free electrons. Also, this relative mobility of electrons within a material is known as electric conductivity. Conductivity is determined by the types of atoms in a material (the number of protons in each atom’s nucleus, determining its chemical identity) and how the atoms are linked together with one another. Materials with high electron mobility (many free electrons) are called conductors, while materials with low electron mobility (few or no free electrons) are called insulators. Some substances that conduct at high temperatures are called semi conductors. they do not conduct as good as conductors but have various uses that make them more versatile than conductors themselves. Lastly, are materials of recent times, called superconductors, that at very low temperatures, such as 230 Kelvin, can conduct freely without any resistance whatsoever. The difference comes down to nothing more than how the electrons are arranged around the nucleus. The laws of quantum physics say that there are only specific bands (or tracks) in which any electron can travel. There are some interesting facts about these bands. First of all, only a very specific number of electrons can travel in each one; once it’s full, it’s full. Second, which track an electron is in corresponds to how much energy that electron has. And third, some of the bands are closer to each other than others. Different atoms have different numbers of electrons, and how those electrons are arranged in the bands defines whether a material made of those atoms will conduct. In every atom, the electrons get as close to the nucleus as possible, since the bands that are closest to the nucleus are also the ones that require the least energy. That means that the outermost shell might not be completely filled, and thus an electron from a nearby atom can join this atom in its outermost shell. these moving electrons create an electrical current. therefore we can say that atoms with empty spaces in the outermost electron bands are conductors. the materials with no empty spaces in the outermost electron band are insulators. They do not let electrons flow very easily from one atom to another. Insulators are materials whose atoms have tightly bound electrons. These electrons are not free to roam around and be shared by neighboring atoms. However there are materials that fall in between conductors and insulators. Their conductance is in between metals and insulators. And their conductance can be modified by shining a light on them or injecting charges. They’re known as semiconductors. They are mostly made of atoms that don’t conduct electricity, but they have a handful of atoms with loose electrons. Under certain circumstances — by changing things like temperature or how much energy is injected — these loose electrons will start a flowing current. Superconductors are very different from the first three, since no material known today superconducts except at very cold temperatures. Scientists are discovering materials that do superconduct closer and closer to room temperature all the time, but no one is quite sure how that happens. However, some scientists have come up with a theory for how the very coldest superconductors work, known as the BCS theory. In such materials, at low temperatures, the atoms vibrate in a way that forces the moving electrons closer together. Normally electrons don’t like to huddle so close, since they’re all electrically negative and therefore repel each other. But in superconductors, the electrons actually achieve almost an attraction for each other. The result is that as one electron moves, it pulls the next electron along right behind it. Electrons slip from atom to atom more easily than they ever do normally. Therefore, atoms which, at the right temperature, can make electrons attract instead of repel each other are superconductors. In a conductor, electric current can flow freely, in an insulator it cannot. Metals such as copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them. Conductor† implies that the outer electrons of the atoms are loosely bound and free to move through the material. Most atoms hold on to their electrons tightly and are insulators. In copper, the valence electrons are essentially free and strongly repel each other. Any external influence which moves one of them will cause a repulsion of other electrons which propagates, â€Å"domino fashion† through the conductor. Simply stated, most metals are good electrical conductors, most nonmetals are not. Metals are also generally good heat conductors while nonmetals are not. While the normal motion of â€Å"free† electrons in a conductor is random, with no particular direction or speed, electrons can be influenced to move in a coordinated fashion through a conductive material. This uniform motion of electrons is what we call electricity, or electric current. To be more precise, it could be called dynamic electricity in contrast to static electricity, which is an unmoving accumulation of electric charge. Just like water flowing through the emptiness of a pipe, electrons are able to move within the empty space within and between the atoms of a conductor. The conductor may appear to be solid to our eyes, but any material composed of atoms is mostly empty space! The liquid-flow analogy is so fitting that the motion of electrons through a conductor is often referred to as a â€Å"flow. † With electricity, the overall effect from one end of a conductor to the other happens at the speed of light: a swift 186,000 miles per second!!! Each individual electron, though, travels through the conductor at a much slower pace. Effects on conductance: Different conductors have different levels of conductance. Silver is the best conductor, offering easier passage for electrons than any other material cited. Dirty water and concrete are also listed as conductors, but these materials are substantially less conductive than any metal. Physical dimension also impacts conductivity. For instance, if we take two strips of the same conductive material — one thin and the other thick — the thick strip will prove to be a better conductor than the thin for the same length. If we take another pair of strips — this time both with the same thickness but one shorter than the other — the shorter one will offer easier passage to electrons than the long one. Most metals become poorer conductors when heated, and better conductors when cooled.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Education and Teachers Essay

Teachers in Taiwan enjoy higher occupational prestige and great job satisfaction.In Germany teachers enjoy teaching. Teachers in China are highly respected. Those within the Indian culture feel that teachers are next to God. American teachers believe that teaching helps society’s well-being. Teachers in England are poorly regarded. Teachers are constant companions and they mold student’s personality. They are role models and they motivate the students. However,according to individual experience there are different kinds of teachers some are friendly ,some are strict and others are ideal teachers. The first kind of teachers are friendly teachers. They combine both the guidance of a teacher and the understanding of a friend. Friendly teachers act like philosophers and guides. A friendly teacher helps the students to choose the right path . These teachers are closer to the students and better educators because they understand students needs and help them accordingly. Perso nality development and positive attitude of the each student is their first priority. Friendly teachers never criticize their students in the class ,and they are always gentle with them. My 8th grade math teacher is the perfect example for this. He was very friendly with us. He used to stay after school to help with our math problems. He used to meet our parents on regular basis. I really enjoyed his teaching methods. He is one of my favorite teachers. So friendly teachers are very important for the students future. The other kinds of teachers are strict teachers. Strict teachers are very tough on students. They dislike any mistakes or carelessness. These kind of teachers have high expectations for their students. Disciplining their students is important for the strict teachers. Students have to be extra cautious about these kinds of teachers. For example, my 6th grade music teacher was very strict. He wanted us to memorize each note. I was nervous when I started that class. I wanted to quit the class because of his strictness. After I realized that he was just helping me through tough times, I admired him. Because of his discipline, I continued the music class. Even though strict teachers are rough sometimes,some students need these kind of teachers. The third kinds of teachers are ideal teachers. Some teachers sacrifice their lives to help the students. They are humble, self -disciplined, helpful, honest ,creative and available to all the students. By respecting the students and giving self confidence to their students, these teachers help the students to become good citizens. They are perfect role models and they also have great hearts. Anne Marie Murphy, 52 is the perfect example for these kinds of teachers. She was a Sandy Hook Elementary teacher who died to protect her students during the shooting. She sacrificed her life for her students. She was the perfect role model. Students who have these kind of ideal teachers are very lucky. Teachers do not all teach same way. Students like their teacher according to their own individual preference. The relationship between teachers and their students is the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective. Teachers are different, however, they all have something in common, and that is the desire to help their students.

Functions of Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Functions of Management Paper - Essay Example mpany and they use to give example of Southwest Airlines where right application of human resource pool helped the airlines to achieve business excellence (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, p.p. 159-160). Business management is a broad term used by management researchers to define various elements of business operation. Not only has private sector given importance on business managing but also other types of organizations (NGOs, public sectors) give importance on the subject. Business management is important counterbalance any types of organizational complexity or inconveniences (Spicer, 1997, p. 92). Planning is integrated part of management system while many management researchers has indicated planning is the first step of management. Planning is the systematic framework of setting business objective for the organization and designing strategy map to achieve the objective. Organizations establish a mission statement (like Google’s mission statement is to organize information for people and making an easy online platform to access the information for people) is the initial phase of planning process. Companies allocate resources in accordance the mission statement while the process is known as strategic planning. Suppose my organization is Finnish telecommunication giant Nokia. Tagline of the company is connecting people. The company needs to establish business objective of expanding distribution and regain market position within next five years. New product development and retail chain expansion are two major strategic plans in order to compete with Apple and Samsung. Management creates the basic design of work pattern in the organizing phase by defining organizational communication level (vertical or horizontal) for employees. In this phase management assign work responsibility to certain groups or individual workers. Defining who the target customers plays important role in this phase since knowing the needs of target customer’s helps employees to provide

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions - Assignment Example Flow of capital is determined by real interest rates. When domestic real interest rates rise, the domestic assets become more attractive to foreign investors. These investors buy this country’s assets assets resulting in capital inflow. Higher interest rates also induces domestic investors to buy home assets instead of foreign ones. This significantly reduces the amount of capital outflow. This leads to a decline in the net capital outflow. A decrease in the domestic real interest rate will substantially reduce investors returns from their investments. This will discourage foreign investors from investing locally hence reducing capital inflow. Domestic investors will shift their investments to countries with rising real interest rates thus increasing capital outflow. This will ultimately lead to increased net capital outflow. Relationship among saving, investment, and net capital outflow. According to Lukes (1959), disposable income is used for consumption and investment. The amount of money saved is the one used for investments and therefore investment is equal to savings. The total amount of a country’s savings is used for domestic investment and purchase of capital goods abroad. As explained above, net capital outflow is the net flow of funds being invested in other countries by a country during a certain period of time. ... In economics, the term investment refers to purchase of new capital and other factors of production often through the use of loans. As shown in the graph below, the demand curve in the loanable market is downward sloping from left to right while the supply curve in the same market is downward sloping from right to left. According to John ( 1936), when the real interest rate increases, the cost of taking loans increases. This leads to low investment as investors shy away from acquiring loans to fund investments due to the increased costs. On the other hand, when the real interest rates are low, the cost of taking loans reduces hence loans becomes more attractive to investors. This translates to increased investments. When the real interest rate rises, people save more in order to take advantage of the increased returns on their savings. Therefore, there will be increased money saved in the economy. On the other hand, when the real interest rate decreases, people will be discouraged fr om saving by the low returns they get due to lower real interest rates, leading to low savings. The foreign exchange market is a market for trading of currency. In this market, one party exchanges one country’s currency with an equivalent quantity of another currency. The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. The major role of foreign exchange market is to facilitate the loanable funds market. Foreign goods are usually priced in foreign currency and therefore an investor will need foreign currency to buy foreign assets. The rate at which a currency is exchanged for another is determined by the demand and supply of that currency. The higher the demand for financial assets in a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysing two websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Analysing two websites - Essay Example The site features and other characteristics are noted to its full length for the comparison. Amazon’s homepage provides the user with an overview of their whole site, which is vitally important as (Nielsen, 2002) explains "The homepage is your companys face to the world." As recommended by Nielsen (2002) Amazon has used a tagline to capture and communicate the essence of the company; making the sites purpose immediately clear â€Å" Online shopping for electronics, apparel, music, books, DVDs & more.† Their logo is also apparent, boosting brand awareness, differentiating identity from competitors and providing familiarity to users. It can be found in the top left hand corner of the homepage, showing standard HTML conventions have been adopted. Guerrilla marketing is a corner stone for only books on marketing and the site is not that usable for frequent visits in comparison. The HTML conventions are not followed for wide practice however it provides detailed information about every marketing journal about marketing and presentation abilities. Amazon site is inked with major products like books and every site featuring essential products like books and other resources is interlinked for purchase. Amazon use standard blue hyperlinks, tab navigation, browse box, graphics and a search input box to help users interactively navigate the site, in a simple, easy to use fashion. Key worded category hyperlinks, emphasise product variety and the sites most important sections. Amazon is a path-based homepage; we recommend duplicating this approach to split the audience immediately into interest groups and to offer them specific, more relevant information in menu pages deeper within the site. (Lynch and Horton, 2002.) Amazon reveals real site content (Nielsen, 2002) offering easy access to recent homepage features. Homepages are updated regularly; visual graphics are kept meaningful and often

Friday, July 26, 2019

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy Utopia Essay

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy Utopia - Essay Example Its massive growth accompanied with the explosion of the city and the growing gap between the rich and poor made it seem like the industrial system was heading off the deep end. As a social remedy, muckrakers exposed the social ills that capitalism was creating and in turn became one of its saviors. One of these writers was Edward Bellamy who published Looking Backward, a novel in which Julian West, a man from 1887, awakens to find a utopian socialist society juxtaposed against the harsh world from he came from. This book, depicting the evils of capitalism, also offered solutions that helped mobilize groups to help their common man. The progressive reform movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were the response to the problems in American industrial society criticized by Edward Bellamy in Looking Backward. Capitalism, Bellamy argued, was the root of all problems in American industrial society. He pointed to competition, corruption, and most of all the inequitable distribution of wealth as being responsible for the poor living conditions of most people in the early nineteenth century. In the latter part of the book, West goes back to the Boston of the past to see a world marked by clear distinctions and divisions between the rich and the poor. ... Similarly, the stories of Horatio Alger gave the poor a sense of false hope that they could escape the chains of poverty and become rich and powerful. These parables were not true given the fact that the upper class did almost everything possible to keep them as poor as possible in order to profit personally. John Rockefeller realized that by reducing wages and working conditions, his own pocketbook swelled to a tremendous amount. Child labor and terrible working conditions were of the two most notable results of capitalism and self motivated profit. Likewise, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie created monopolies and trusts that squeezed out competition from the market to be able to control and set a high price for the consumer. While Bellamy identified competition as one of the most negative aspects of capitalism, the "robber baron" or "captain of industry" alternative was no better. (Manuel, 215) The distinction was where the profit went to. In the early nineteenth century, the private individual reaped the profit while in the utopian world of the future; the profit was every ones to share. . In return for twenty five years of labor in the Industrial Army each American receives an equal share of the nation's production every year of his or her life. Service to society guarantees full support by society. When West goes to talk to his fiance's family about the problems of society he proclaims, "Do you not know that close to your doors a great multitude of men and women, flesh of your flesh, live lives that are one agony from birth to death" (Bellamy, 210) By throwing him into the street, the family tries to eliminate anything that might threaten their system of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discuss the relationships of the daughters to their fathers in Slyvia Essay

Discuss the relationships of the daughters to their fathers in Slyvia Plath's Daddy and Sharon Olds' The Chute - Essay Example ted by Sylvia Plath as expressed in her poem â€Å"Daddy† and Sharon Olds as seen in her poem â€Å"The Chute† struggle instead to communicate the complicated love/hate emotions they had for their fathers to very different effect. Plath’s â€Å"Daddy† is written in first person as a letter to her father, who has been dead for 20 years. Although it is not clear who the dominating figure of verse 1 has been, his identity and the concept that this is a letter emerges in the second verse, â€Å"Daddy, I have had to kill you, / You died before I had time† (6-7). The story that emerges in the subsequent lines is of a woman who has lived in fear and awe of her father for as long as she can remember. The fear is evident in her metaphor of him as â€Å"Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, / Ghastly statue with one gray toe / Big as a Frisco seal† (8-10). Later, she compares her fear of her father to the fear the Jews felt for the Nazis, seeing herself as being shipped off to the concentration camps and describing her father’s appearance in terms of the perfect Aryan. â€Å"But no less a devil for that, no not / Any less the black man who / Bit my pretty red heart in two† (54-56). Finally, her description of the man she married as the model of her father indicates his deep cruelty because he has a â€Å"love of the rack and the screw† (66). She ends the poem by indicating her father has been an evil vampire, sucking her life dry and finally buried with a stake in his heart to the delight of the villagers. Her beginning and end of the poem, each expressed in terms of anger and fear, leave no doubt that her fear outweighed any other emotions she had of her father. However, Plath also provides plenty of clues that her love for her father was almost as strong as her fear of him. Although she is writing against him, defying her fear of him, she seems almost breathless as she allows the thoughts of the poem to be interrupted by line breaks and allows one thought to blend almost

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

APPRAISE PERFORMANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

APPRAISE PERFORMANCE - Essay Example When only one person is involved in the process, the risks of low objectivity and errors may compromise the delivery of good appraisal report. When many people are involved, these risks are spread out and accuracy is consequently increased. According to Jackson and Mathis (349), there are several errors that may arise in the process of performance appraisal, where the rating system is subjected to flaws. Some of these errors include application of varying errors, recency and primary effects, central tendency as well as stringency. The author explains that the effects of these errors to the final report are usually biased information on the performance of the employee. A more comprehensive report is obtained by use of different modes to avoid these errors as much as possible. Perhaps, understanding the nature of the type of appraisal done by each of the above stated individuals could bring the topic of appraisal near to clarity. An appraisal done by managers on their juniors is a common mode of carrying out performance evaluation. Despite there being a general reluctance from the managers to carry out routine appraisals on their juniors, it is still the most appropriate mode for many organizations. One of the reasons why managers heavily criticize this type of appraisal is due to the fact observed above in that one person inadequacy still affects them. Alternatively, managers are employed by organizations to instill improvement through coaching, encouragement, guidance as well as motivation but rarely acting as a judge. Proactive managers always look for ways to improve performance and common notions surrounding the appraisal principle tend to confuse them (Jackson and Mathis, 352). Once completed, managers’ or supervisors’ appraisals need to be reviewed by a manager senior than the one doing the appraisal to give it effect. When it comes to employees themselves, they may be subjected to self assessments to assist managers in extracting

Introduction to Businsse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Introduction to Businsse - Essay Example Social responsibility contributes to positive impact on the corporate by the society hence improved performance. In the recent past, customers have become more sensitive of not only the quality of products and services they receive, but also the means used by organizations to produce the products (Aras and Crowther 494-496). Organizations demonstrating any form of inhumanity in goods production such as child labour, discrimination, or environmental degradation face the possibility of lacking good market for their products. Operations of various organizations create social problems thus it is important that they address such problems to retain their acceptability. Social responsibility also helps corporate gain long-term favourable environment for their operations, products, and services (Aras and Crowther 566). Corporate social responsibility towards its stakeholders and society to ensure they also thrive together with the organization. Corporate social responsibility helps display business as unselfish and suitable community contributor earning the business a pleasant reputation. Corporate social responsibility may fail to recognize by society but lack of it is easily noticed results in negative repercussion. Corporate social responsibility contributes to improved economic performance, increased potential to attract and maintain employees, boost brand image, improved sales, and customer allegiance (Aras and Crowther

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Disclosure and Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Disclosure and Financial Reporting - Essay Example It also helps the other market players to decide on mergers and acquisitions. Through disclosure of financial statements, the companies also endorse the financial information that has been sent to their regulating authorities like Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is important to understand the key issues that affect the financial decisions of managers in disclosures and financial reporting. In this essay, the changes in regulations and standards that have improved the method of financial reporting and disclosure and the subsequent impacts on a company in terms of future cost, risk exposure and profits are being discussed. Several laws have been enacted and acts have been passed in different countries with the objective of making financial reporting and its disclosures more reliable and trustworthy. The objective of addressing the key issues is to ensure and protect the interest of the stakeholders and investors. One such act that addressed these issues is Sarbanes-Oxley A ct. It was first implemented for companies listed in NYSE and has now been spread all over the world. Sarbanes-Oxley Act has redefined and changed the ways of Corporate Governance of companies leading to efficient and transparent operations (Ambler, Massaro and  Stewart, 2005, p.38). ... Many investors had previously complained about the relevance and volume of financial information in their disclosures and were also unhappy of finding useful information in the disclosure and financial reporting by companies. In the above context, SOX was enacted in order to make it mandatory for companies to certify accuracy and relevance of the financial information disclosed by them. Non-adherence to SOX Act also earned penalties for the companies. The enactment of SOX has empowered the external auditors and has increased the role of oversight for the concerned Board of Directors. The change in role of the Board of directors has redefined corporate governance by making it stricter than earlier. Through efficient corporate governance, the companies were able to deal with the new system of laws and regulations and maintain healthy relationships with their stakeholders (Rao, 2000, p.42). The continuous monitoring of the board of directors helped in eliminating the misdeeds or misappr opriations in the part of corporate officers. As a result of these changes in regulation, the following key issues were addressed. Proper system of accounting and financial reporting was put in place which enabled disclosure of only and only relevant information to the stakeholders of the company. Secondly, flexible requirements were put in place for the companies to report relevant information for some specific circumstances. Thirdly, a judgment panel or framework was instituted to decide which information is pertinent with respect to specific situation faced by the companies. Fourthly, suitable techniques were adopted in order to make information more user-friendly and easy to find for the readers.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dimensional Analysis Lab Essay Example for Free

Dimensional Analysis Lab Essay In this Lab the students were required to do several tests and measurements and then convert these units into other units. There were five tests in all. The first test was measuring the average of three broad jumps in centimeters then find out how many jumps it would take to travel one mile. The second test involved measuring a candy bar (for my group we used a snickers bar) then finding out how many snickers bars end to end it would take to wrap around the equator of the earth. For the third measurement we had to find out how many tootsie rolls were equivalent to a five pound tootsie roll. For the next test we had to find how long it took in hours to get to the center of a tootsie pop. For the final test we had to calculate our speed in mph then find out how many days it would take to get from Indianapolis to Chicago if you only walked five hours a day. The materials we used were a gram scale, tootsie roll, tootsie pop, snickers bar, and a meter stick. Materials 1. gram scale 2. tootsie roll 3. tootsie pop 4. snickers bar 5.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Summary Of The Da Vinci Code

Summary Of The Da Vinci Code To begin with, Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American author and journalist Dan Brown and published in 2003 by publishing house Random House. It should be noted that Da Vinci Code was a continuation of another Dan Browns popular novel Angels and Demons (2000). As a fact, the book has become an international bestseller: it is translated into 44 languages and there are published a total circulation of more than 81 million copies. The Da Vinci Code has top position in the New York Times list of best-selling magazines. Many experts consider the novel as the best book of the decade. Novel is written in the genre of intellectual detective thriller and has arisen widespread interest to the legend of the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalenes place in the history of Christianity, as described in The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. It can be said that on a plot of the book its main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious symbology at Harvard University, should unravel the murder of Jacques Sauniere, curator of the Louvre. As a fact, Saunieres body was found inside the Louvre naked and placed in the same way as in the famous drawing by Leonardo Da Vincis Vitruvian Man, with an encrypted inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the mystery of the murder is hidden inside the famous works of Leonardo Da Vinci. As a result, analysis of such works of Leonardo as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper greatly helps in solving this puzzle. In the meantime, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Sauniere Sophie Neveu. All her family (mother, father, brother, grandmother) had died in a car accident. Now, Sophie and Robert will unravel many secrets and mysteries. However, Captain Fache is from police, and believes that Langdon had killed Jacques Sauniere. It can be said that Robert a nd Sophie will have to prove his innocence. The protagonist of the novel will address two main puzzles: what a mystery was defended by Sauniere and why he was killed? Who killed Sauniere and who had planned this murder? According to Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The Da Vinci Code), it should be noted that unraveling the mystery requires the solution of a series of puzzles. The secret of the Holy Grail location is known to a secret society, the so-called Priory of Sion and the Order of the Knights Templar. The Catholic Church organization Opus Dei also plays an important role in the plot. The novel has several parallel plot lines involving the various characters. At the end of the book all the story lines come together and are resolved in the Rosslyn chapel. It should be noted that the novel could be unnoticed by various Christian religious figures, if it had not had such success, and if on the first page of the book was not asserted the truth of the events that were described in the novel. As a fact, the criticisms draw attention to the large number of inaccuracies in the presentation of history, the interpretation of historical facts, and use all sorts of unsubstantiated legends. Consequently, Archbishop Angelo Amato, who is the second man in the Vatican after the Pope called on all Catholics to boycott the film Da Vinci Code. Archbishop Amato called Browns book: stridently anti-Christian, full of calumnies, offenses and historical and theological errors regarding Jesus, the Gospels and hostile Church, and called its success by extreme cultural poverty of a large number of Christian believers. Amato urged Christians with great zeal to reject the lies and cheap slander. He also said that if such lies and slanders were directed at the Qu ran or the Holocaust, they rightly would have caused a world uprising, while the lies and slander against the Church and Christians, remain unpunished, as described in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. As a fact, Amato suggested that Catholics around the world should begin organized protests against the book and the film Da Vinci Code exactly the same as there were protests against Martin Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988. However, it can be said that opposing Da Vinci Code by representatives of Christian church not only fuels the hype of the novel, and raises its rating, but it is consistent with the content of the novel, in which the Church seeks to hide some kind of truth, which is presented in the novel, as stated in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. In my opinion this is a great novel and I like it very much. To be more precise, the novel has dynamic plot, which is based on one of the most interesting historical mystery. It has vivid characters, a detailed narrative that fully immerses the reader in the atmosphere of the novel. As a fact, for the Dan Browns Da Vinci Code these terms were enough to become one of the most famous bestsellers in recent years. Moreover, in America, Da Vinci Code has literally revived the genre of historical detective, giving it such popularity, that this genre works have not previously received. It can be said that for high-performance sales, and many laudatory reviews of hiding bad, there is a nice detective, which in an accessible form tells the reader about some mystery hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci. Revealing the mystery, the protagonist of the book with his head is dipped into historical investigation, the results and details of which both look shocking and realistic. In my opinion, this realism, combined with the availability of exposition and narrative detail, is one of the main virtues of the book. Valiantly twirled plot complements the cocktail, condemning the novel to succeed. On the other hand, the novel has weak sides, among them is a pretty weak syllable of the author many critics consider that the author has a rustic style of presentation. On the other hand, the audience of the novel is so broad that a simple style of presentation has not spoiled the novel much- rather on the contrary; thanks to this, Da Vinci Code is a book that is understandable and accessible to everybody without exception. To sum it up, Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown can be characterized as one of the most urgent must have books of the recent decade. And everybody should read this book not only because it still remains one of the most fashionable pieces Da Vinci Code is a really interesting, exciting and at the same time sufficiently intelligent, revealing the multiple storylines prose. Work cited Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. 15 February 2011. Julian Price. 2009. The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. 15 February 2011. Pascasio Felisilda. 2009. Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The DaVinci Code). 15 February 2011.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reflection on the understanding of Wound Aetiology

Reflection on the understanding of Wound Aetiology Whilst on Community placement, an event occurred which enabled me to reflect on how important it is to understand the aetiology of wound care in order to practice holistically when delivering care to patients. In order to assist the reflection process the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle will be used which encompasses 6 stages; description, thoughts and feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan which will help me to continually develop and improve my nursing skills and knowledge through evidence based learning whilst developing my self confidence in relation to caring for others (Siviter 2008). To maintain confidentiality and comply with the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) all names have been changed. Description My mentor and I had visited a patient, who will be known as Mary (NMC 2008) in her own home. Mary is an elderly lady, who lives alone and had been suffering with chronic leg ulcers for a number of months which had not shown any signs of improvements for a number of months. The purpose of the visit was to take down the existing dressings, assess any improvement or deterioration in the wounds and to treat and redress the wounds in accordance with the current care plan. As predicted there was no significant improvement in the wound. Therefore I debrided the wounds, applied an emolument and redressed with NA dressings, gauze and applied a 4 layer bandage which is recommended in the study by ( ) under the supervision of my mentor. After leaving a patients house my mentor and I discussed the visit and talked about the importance of not just treating the obvious problems but taking an holistic approach. During this discussion my mentor asked me to assess Marys nutritional status and if required talk to her about the importance of healthy eating and the positive implication it may have on wound healing during our next visit. Thoughts and feelings I have always been interested in the importance of nutrition in respect of health and was had a vague aware that it had an effect on wound healing. (DH 2010). As we visit a number of patients with chronic leg ulcers I thought it would be a great advantage if I understood the aetiology of wound healing and what effect nutrition had on the process, I also felt that if people could be empowered to improve their nutritional status and maximise to maximise their healthy outcomes then this would be a very powerful tool. Although there are many factors wound fail to heal and a holistic approach should be taken. This assignment will focus on wound healing and nutrition. Evaluation I felt empowered that I could affect peoples health in providing quite simplistic knowledge in terms of health promotion to people and was able to deliver holistic care to mary in accordance with the NMC code of professional conduct (2008). If Mary had been given information sooner on the effect good nutrition may have on her would healing then she may be in a position where her legs would have been improved sooner. Analysis There are many definitions of a chronic would with one of the simplest perhaps being described by as a skin defect persisting longer than 6 weeks or frequent recurrence of the defect. Wounds, especially chronic wounds are amongst the major unresolved medical problems which can affect quality of life and are a significant burden on health care costs (Thomas 2006). In the UK, there are around two hundred thousand suffering from chronic wounds at any one time. The healthcare cost for these patients is estimated to be  £2.3- £3.1 billion per year (Posnett and Franks 2008). Infection, poor nutrition and impaired organ function are the main reasons many wounds fail to heal (Johnson et al 2005). However to optimise effective wound healing a holistic approach should be taken and therefore these reasons should not be reviewed in isolation. The process of wound healing is a series of cellular and biochemical events which can be categorised into three stages of inflammatory, proliferative and maturation. The healing process is complex; these stages can often overlap and result in the healing process moving forwards and backwards in response to various factors (1). Whilst a wound is healing there is a significant increase in cell proliferation, protein synthesis and enzyme activity which demands energy which would normally be released from protein reserves and energy stores (1). The body mainly uses glucose to provide this energy during cellular activity such as protein synthesis, cell division and secretion (Bray et al 1999). When body tissue is damaged the hypothalamous responds by releasing the stresss hormone catecholamines which in turn increases the bodies glucose levels (Morrison et al 1999).   Evidence suggest that wounds can increase the bodys metabolism which, if not addressed will result in weight loss, a particular problem with elderly people (Lal et al 200- and DeSanti 2000). Clark 2002 also states that a lack of sufficient energy sources can inhibit wound healing resulting in body fat being broken down and used as a substitute for glucose to assist the healing process. Morrison et al (1999) also confirms that inadequate nutrition can reduce the effect of the systemic response and consequently delay the wound healing process. (1). Landsdown (2004) says that although wound healing is an individual process which varies from patient to patient due to factors such as age, sex, health status, socioeconomic, racial and geographical influences, correct identification and treatment of chronic wounds is paramount to successful would healing. What is agreed is by many that to promote the best possible wound healing opportunities the body will demand energy and requires nutrients for proliferation and maintenance (sev references). Nutrition is recognised as the cornerstone of good health by the World Health Organization (WHO) and The National Service Framework for Older People highlight nutrition as an important area for nurses to assess properly, observe for malnutrition and taking action, such as advice and support if nutritional requirements are inadequate ( DH 2001). There are many studies which have concluded that nutrition plays an important part in the process of wound healing. In particular many acknowledge the link between the inflammatory stage and nutrition (Sobotka and Meguid 2010). Many chronic wounds remain in the inflammatory stage. Casey (2003), states that the healing process can be prevented or significantly delayed when patients diet does not contain essential nutrients. Brown et al (2010) agrees with this and suggests that whilst nutritional requirements vary between patients a lack of adequate nutrients cause delayed wound healing. However, there is much research to show that nutrition is crucial in a holistic approach to wound healing(Todorovic 2002).  According to Bryant (2000) the importance of adequate nutrition for good wound healing should not be  underestimated. Williams and Leaper (2000) concur stating that whereas good nutrition facilitates healing, malnutrition delays, inhibits and complicates the process. If a patients nutritional status is compromised, and they are unlikely to meet their requirements for recovery (Collier, J., 2006) However Sobotka and Meguid (2010) point out there is still a lack of sound wound healing studies due to a number of reasons such as design and execution, and lack of full understanding of the pathphysiology of wound aetiology and understanding of the more complex wound healing issues. They also suggest there are many rituals and myths surrounding wound healing which delays the process and affects the advances and progress of wound healing therapies. Nutrition deficiencies have been found in some patients with wounds. However, evidence suggests nutrition is not an exact science in relation to wound healing and is relatively unexplored Protein, vitamins and some amino acids are all important factors in the effectiveness of wound healing. Proteins are the mainstay for tissue growth, cell renewal and repair. They have a significant impact many stages of the wound healing process. Continuous protein malnutrition compromises the immunity system and has a detrimental effect on the skin which becomes thinner and wrinkled (Brown et al 2010). In particular Vitamin B is found in meat, dairy, vegetables and fish and cereals. Vitamin b helps to promote cell proliferation, maintain health skin and muscle tone, support and increase metabolic rate and enhance immune and nervous system functions and therefore deficiencies in this vitamin can hinder wound healing (Landsdown 2004). Studies have shown that elderly patients with chronic wounds have consumed less than two-thirds of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin B. Paragraph on amino acids The elderly in particularly can become nutritionally vulnerable. 30% are at a high risk of being malnourished in the UK and a further 70% at moderate risk. Malnutrition is a major cause for concern in elderly people, whether they are hospitalised or live in the community. It is important for nurses to be aware that sub-optimal nutrition has a detrimental effect on the bodys ability to heal wounds. Nutritional deficiency also impacts on a persons well being such as muscle function, immune response, respiratory function, rehabilitation and mental status (Kirshbaum 2009). There are many reasons older people suffer with malnutrition which include decreases appetite, psychosocial factors such as isolation and depression, impaired cognition, teeth and chewing problems, help with eating, poor positioning and acute illnesses which effect gastrointestinal absorption and requires higher nutritional input (Harris 2004). During short periods of starvation the body can lose 60-70 grams of protein. However severe trauma or sepsis can increase this loss to 150-250 grams per day (Wild et al 2010). To compensate for this loss, in addition to regular food intake, nutritional supplements containing protein and energy are often prescribed which would seem a logical way to replenish nutrients and supply additional nutrients to aid wound repair(Wild et al 2010) (Schols J et al 2009). However Brown et al (2010) states nutritional supplements in the context of wound healing is a relatively unexplored area suggesting this may be because nutrition is not an exact science. To further add to this argument Krishbaum (2009) says that detailed information on supplements and their ability to help with wound healing is not available. Williams and Barbul (2003) confirms that controversy surrounds the area of wound care and nutritional supplements. A patients nutritional requirements are a fundamental aspect in the provision of holistic care and it is important for nurses to consider this when carrying out a nursing assessment to formulate a wound management plan. Together with other health professionals it is the nurses responsibility to gain knowledge in nutritional support to be able to offer help and advice and if necessary counsel undernourished patients in ways to improve their diet (Johnstone et al, 2005).. According to  (Hopkins, 2001)  nursing assessments, particularly of wounds, can be inclined to concentrate on physical aspects of wound management, for example the use of appropriate dressing and infection control. This was also evident from  observation and participation of practice nursing work experience. There is evidence that poor nutritional status adversely effects wound healing (Haydock and Hill, 1986), delays healing and increases the risk of wound dehiscence (Ruberg, 1984), and that dietary intervention can improve or accelerate wound healing. Conclusion Nutrition is important in wound healing although it is impractical to consider nutrients in isolation, several nutrients appear particularly important for wound healing. Proteins and amino acids are vital for tissue growth, renewal and repair after injury. Several studies have found deficiencies in various wound patients. Most studies have been small in size and of short duration. From the research many of the info has come from America and not so much been done in the UK. However, I still think that the importance of nutrition is still a vastly underestimated and ignored issue in primary care, not just my general practice. I at the beginning of this module knew little about nutrition and healing and feel that perhaps other health professionals could become better informed. On reflection incorporating teaching sessions for other healthcare staff may have addressed this concern. I intend to now keep myself informed of advances in nutrition and healing and continue to assist patients and colleagues understanding. From the perspective of a General Practice Nurse (GPN) it was considered that they may be ideally suited to act as facilitator to aid nutritional assessment and education of those in the practice population with wounds. Assessment Action Plan I am still going to visit this lady twice a week and am going to ask at each visit if she is still eating healthily and what she has had to eat and offer simple suggestions in ways to eat food which will promote her wound healing, which in turn should improve her lifestyle. And I am going to look for other opportunities to teach and promote health whilst clinically treating patients.

Pregnancy in the Military :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the United States military moves towards a more bi-gender dependant force, it will be necessary for leaders and managers to combat the growing increasing of junior enlisted pregnancies. Through leadership skills, communication, and understanding the causes of the problems, leaders will be able to lower the rate of pregnancy, henceforth, increasing fleet readiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To even consider any type of resolution or solution to the problem of pregnancy amongst junior enlisted members, we must first analyze the concept of fleet readiness and the units that comprise it in today’s military. As the post-Cold War military is downsized to fit the new world order and the decreasing defense budgets, there is increasing concern about the readiness of the military. If the military is called upon to achieve our national objectives, will they be where they are needed, when they are needed, and prepared to perform their missions? Since no one wants another episode of the ill-equipped, poorly trained â€Å"hollow force† that existed in late 1970’s, both President Clinton and former Secretary of Defense Perry cited readiness as the top defense priority.1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The joint forces Publication 1-02 defines readiness as the ability of forces, units, weapon-systems, or equipment, to deliver the outputs for which they were designed (this includes the ability to deploy and employ without unacceptable delays).2 In other words, deployability of servicemen/women and equipment to accomplish tasks around the globe is paramount. With this broad definition of fleet readiness, we can determine that the deployability of junior servicemen and women is a major factor to accomplishing fleet readiness within any force. While junior enlisted personnel comprise the majority of service people deployed throughout the world, this paper will explore the impact of the junior enlisted servicewoman and how different factors within command climate cause pregnancy to be a fleet readiness problem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since readiness of the military is a high priority issue, Public Law 103-337, Section 533 requires the Department of Defense to submit an annual report on readiness factors by race and gender, beginning in FY96. As part of this report, deployability trends must be tracked. To ensure the data is reported correctly, a contract was issued to Logistics Management Institute to provide â€Å"a comprehensive analysis of the impact of non-deployable personnel on readiness. This study will also look at the degree to which individuals in active component units, who are non-deployable, are adversely affecting readiness.†1 With all the attention being given to readiness, it is important to understand some of the factors that may impact readiness

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Stuart Mills On Liberty Essays -- essays research papers

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Imagine going through life not questioning anything that anyone tells you. Anything that is said to be true you would just agree with and not question the statement for yourself. Imagine how blindly you would go through life not finding anything out for yourself. A good example of this is something that just happened to me today. I have always been told that the population of the United States is 240 million and I have been told that for the longest time, even recently within the last month. I was always under this assumption and never questioned it. In my sociology class, my teacher told me that it is now 260 million and has been for quite some time. I took it upon myself to look up the census information on the Internet and found out that indeed, the population is 260 million. Without ever questioning the â€Å"truth† about the population, I never would have obtained the real truth. John Stuart Mill illustrates this point in his book, On Liberty and I will discuss how he mak es these certain points.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mill claims that we may not interfere with a person’s liberty unless her or his acting freely will bring harm to others. In addition, he claims that the root cause for most of our errors in action and thought is â€Å"the fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful.† This statement is part of Mill’s initial argument promoting total freedom of both thought and discussion. The statem...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Novel Review of the Man in the Iron Mask Essay

Summary The man in the iron mask is the continuing story of those famous musketeers who were introduced to us in The Three Musketeers – Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and d’Artagnan. While it has been more than twenty years since their great deeds were performed, the four appear to be just as strong and brave as then. When Aramis visited the prison, he saw a man whose face is hidden behind an iron mask. The prisoner has been entombed for eight years, but he is not a criminal and he is yet to commit a crime. But Aramis knows the secret of the prisoner’s identity, a secret that is so dangerous that its revelation could fall the King of France from his throne! Aramis is plotting against the King and he didn’t even told his friends. The motto of the Musketeers has been â€Å"All for one, and one for all.† Has Aramis betrayed his friends? Will they each prevail or is this the end of the four musketeers? Social/ Historical Context The story takes place in the early 16th century in France. The Man in the Iron Mask was a name given to a prisoner arrested as Eustache Dauger in 1669 or 1670, and held in a number of jails, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (today Pinerolo). He was held in the custody of the same jailer, for a period of 34 years. The possible identity of this man has been thoroughly discussed and has been the subject of many books, because no one ever saw his face, which was hidden by a mask of black velvet cloth. In the late 1840s, the writer Alexandre Dumas elaborated on the theme in the final instalment of his Three Musketeers. Writing Style The story is narrative. Some words are hard to understand. It is a historical fiction novel. The mysterious prisoner was the central of the story. My Thoughts I only give 4 ratings even though I love the story because I have this feeling while I’m reading the novel that I want more. I wasn’t satisfied, and I don’t know why. This novel is one of my favorite books now, even though I wasn’t super satisfied of the story. I love to read Alexandre Dumas novels. I really like his works especially ‘The Count of Monte Cristo† because of its fast-paced and action-packed plot. He wrote his novels well and it’s not boring. Dumas has a skill in creating complicated and interesting plots that will keep you biting your nails. And the most important thing is that you can get a moral lesson from his novel. I really love the characters in this story because their personalities didn’t change. I love the quotes written in the story. Their friendship in this story is so precious. They work together and help each other. I really like their motto â€Å"All for one, and one for all†.

Self Confidence

ego-importance-importance federal agency is the ability to posses the absolute trust of tactual sensationing that you argon equal to the projection at hand. If one is egotism- surefooted, that trait shines finished the someone in everything they do, say, what they wear and how they look. peck who agree this desirable trait establish separates around them in by their inaccessible assertion. A confident person cease easily combat the hurdles of conduct and rump also influence others by their positive attitude and impressive personality. A confident person supposes in themselves, does what they feel is right and is never afraid of failure. sureness is extremely important in nearly every aspect of our lives.The reason self confidence is so important is because out of confidence comes success. Proof of this is found in many instances. For example, it is proven that students who begin a taste with confidence in themselves that they impart achieve a desired finishin g have a better detect of doing-so opposed to those who begin a run with uncertainty. Another example is in the functional world. It is very un liable(predicate) for an insecure, unconfident person to be a CEO of a well-off company. When hiring an employee for an important position, an employer looks for certain qualities and self confidence is one major one.Self confidence is a disease. Friends, family, and all tidy sum other hatful in touch with a person displaying confidence are likely to generate similar self confident feelings. A confident person attracts friendships, just now commands respect, too. 69% of women said that men possessing self confidence were 2 times more than attractive than those lacking it. I believe that a self-confident man is aware(p) of his imperfections but doesnt allow them to hinder him from beingness the best person that he can be. Alison Austin of Dayton, OH.For a psychology project, deuce high train male childs decided to test out the cor relation between self confidence and attraction. They planned for their experiment to publication place at a school dance. They two boys of the same social stipulation enter a dance circle. ane danced uncomfortably and the other danced with self confidence. As they predicted, the boy who danced self-consciously gained little circumspection from the opposite sex. On the contrary, the other boy drew attention from several girls and regular(a) influenced some of the guys to dance less timidly. This is another(prenominal) form of proof one person with self confidence can move vibes from person to another.Everyone longs to be appreciated and well-liked by their peers. By having a self confident personality, it is easy for others to see your honest self break through the surface. Although near self confident people are unaware of the effects of their confidence on their surroundings, self confidence forms the basis of everything in the world. Without confidence sports stars, celeb rities, government officials, and other people of high stature would never be where there are at today. Do you intend Michael Phelps would have broken records and acquired septet gold medals if he lacked the confidence in his own ability? Do you think President Obama would have been able to guard our country if he believed the critics and stopped speech out? Do you think Lil Wayne would have pursued his career if he listened to the people who told him he had no talent? The behave is no. Without confidence, you are nothing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Britannica online Essay

This is a al-Quran proposal that has been created to ensure the children of today atomic number 18 relieve exposed to the same childhood experiences that we either had days ago. In todays society we ar much more fast paced and immediately are drawn to electronics such as computers, television, movies, ipods, etc The numbing notion of this constant barrage of information on genuinely young children could lead to a crystalise of impairment of values in a sm altogether child. Proposed style Back to the Basics A Collection of nursery hoars for Todays ChildIntroduction more of us picked up our own sets of values and moral philosophy from what had been passed down to us through usage. A babys room Rhyme is a poem or a song, traditionally taught to very young children. greenhouse Rhymes in the English language are usually British in origin, dating back to as forthlying(prenominal) as the 16th Century. Aside from the ones imported from England, many another(prenominal ) babys room Rhymes also developed in north-central America (Encyclopedia Britannica online, 2008). These little songs and poems form a sort of symbolic backbone to the continuing cultural and mental increase of the Ameri throw out people and culture.Indeed, at its very core, a Nursery Rhyme is a sort of cultural footprint. While most oral tradition (ex nursery rhymes) may sound more akin nonsense or oversimplified, moralistic tales set to a rhythm and a tune, they carry the symbolic slant of generations past (Bettelheim, 1976). Passed on through tradition and brought vital by the visual modalitys of the very children who hear them and pass them on, these rhymes convey the values of the culture that created it. For example, Humpty Dumptys story reminds us that there are some things that, once bustn, dirty dog never be mended.In another example, the Itsy Bitsy rover speaks to us of the value of perseverance. Some clock times, a Nursery Rhyme isnt just a moral legacy, s ave if a historical one as hearty showing us how people lived or worked during the event time when these rhymes were created. For example, while shepherding may no yearlong be a common profession, especially in heavily populated urban areas, even children from the inner city are aware that it was once a way of life, thanks to Little Bo cheep and her sheep.rationale Nursery Rhymes have been in existence for hundreds of years, tho what exactly is the importance in continuing in this tradition? Children are automatically drawn into these stories because of the rhyme, there is rhythm, and they are often about creatures in otherwise unimaginable circumstances, which leads the childs own imagination to wander. In addition to being an effective fomite through which a culture propagates and preserves itself, Nursery Rhymes are of particular importance in the development of a young childs ontogeny language and memory skills.There is a cogitate that today, even after growing up we can still remember these little phrases. They have make great impact in our childhood nurture schemata and we believe that if they continue to be reintroduced to the children of today, their impact would be highly beneficial. We believe that this defy will be a great hit among small children and their parents, and that with the serve of colorful illustrations, this sacred scripture can be very useful in promoting a childs mental, psychological, and social development.Methodology After much deliberation, we trenchant to limit our selection to the most common and well-loved Nursery Rhymes. We looked through several collections of nursery rhymes, both online and offline, and picked out the ones that occurred the most frequently. Given that we plan to make this book a childrens book, we limited our selection to only four Nursery Rhymes. We chose to do this so that the book could accommodate the illustrations that we hope will be include as visual aids for the children, without being likewise heavy or cumbersome for even a small child to read and carry.These Nursery Rhymes are as follows Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses, and all the kings men, Couldnt Put Humpty together again. Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown. And Jill came tumbling after The Itsy Bitsy Spider The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the bird of passage out. Out came the sun And dried up all the rain, And the itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again.Little Bo Peep Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And cant speciate where to find them. Leave them alone, And theyll come home, Wagging their tails cigarette them. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and consider this. We look forward to your apropos and positive replyReferencesBettelheim, Bruno (1976). Uses of Enchantment the Importance of fagot Tales. N ew York Knopf Encyclopedia Britannica online, concise version. Nursery Rhymes. retrieved February 3 2008. from http//www. britannica. com/ebc/article-9373775

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike has been able to become a global player in the industry of sports apparel and professional athlete endorsements because of many different factors that are outlined in the way they manage their company. By analyzing the business plan of Nike we can see how their supply chain is set up as is illustrated above. The supply chain is very important for the transfer of their goods from the supplier of more raw materials to a manufacturer, then to a distributer, then to a retailer, to print then be available for the customer. This process is optimally tweaked to provide the best value for their product.It double gets their assignment done one invention one record .1. Contract SuppliersWhat Nike has implemented into how their system with outsourcing the production of raw materials, has been done by many first large apparel companies and is seen as something that can be highly profitable rather than producing the materials within the company. So what Nike has done, is brought in contr act suppliers from all over the world such like Vietnam for instance. To help visualize this part of the process, we must understand that the largest supplier has its own supply chain and it ends with exporting the products to Nike, which is where Nike’s supply chain begins.Nike conceives its goods in the shape of collections.

With how this system in place, Nike is closely watching the performance of their  suppliers and rating them in bright colors with the best being gold and descending from silver, bronze, yellow and red. Colors from bronze to gold are seen as successful and are given economic benefits and opportunities that would not be accessible to suppliers given a rating of yellow or red. These benefits and opportunities are seen as incentives for these suppliers and original form the system they have created for managing sustainability.2.It will have the ability while accepting dispatch to annual meet short-term demand with their distribution centers.Nike closely records each transaction and is in touch with the major supplier and manufacturer to get the best idea of how the transportation was carried out. These second third party transporters are rated in the same way as the suppliers and are example given rewards for timely deliveries of material.3. ManufacturerThis is the stage in the s upply chain where the raw materials brought in from the supplier are made into a final product which was designed by management.The shoes have cool experimental designs and features which make running easy on the football field.

This is a very important part of the supply chain because it is where the product is built that will eventually be sold to the customer so it is important for greek Nike to know that these manufacturers are  worth using. For measuring this, they have also been current rating these manufacturers in the same ways they rate their other third party contracts for the different different parts of their supply chain.4. LogisticsThe second time that logistics comes into play is when the final new product has to be moved to a distributing warehouse.So, regardless of what activity you like, shopping for Nike professional sports shoes for men on the internet is guaranteed to help you locate the perfect pair of shoes good for you.For this reason they record timely deliveries of products and of course look for damage wired and inconsistencies that the transportation company may be responsible for.5. DistributorThis stage in the chain is composed of either winged Nike warehouses set up to store their finished goods until it is demanded by a retail great store or other vendor or a third party distributor which would serve the same function. Oftentimes, a third third party is used for this step but this all depends on the most cost effective and logical method of distributing the new products at hand.Is Configuration, how it is organized to earn a profit.

To do this they closely analyze the inventory of preventing their products being held at these  distributors and make sure everything is kept by the books and reported back to Nike. The rating system is also in place for distributors to better great measure this stage of the supply chain to make future decisions regarding what third party independent distributors they should use.6. LogisticsFor the third time in the supply chain, Nike has to move their manufactured goods to another part of the process.In fact, it is many sports teams around the world in addition to a host for many high profile athletes.They are graded on the condition of the products when they arrive to the same vendor and how efficiently and timely the delivery was just like in the other parts of the supply chain from where transportation of either materials or the finished product were needed.7. Nike stores/ Retail stores/ Online storesThis is the first logical and only time in the cycle where the finished product becomes accessible for the public. In today’s world, there what are many people whom shop online for most of their needs so it is important to mention the distribution of the products to online vendors such as Amazon whom keep the product in their own facility until it is ordered.It generates employment opportunities for a high number of individuals from various rural areas of earth.

Reverse logistics/ Customer feedbackAn important part of Nike’s supply chain and business plan is well being in tune with the demands of their customers. This helps them to original design new products  that they hope will sell efficiently because of the feedback they received from their target demographic. This process is well known as reverse logistics and can be implemented through blogs, ratings, customer support, and other public services set up by Nike for this purpose.9.The organization has started with audits of new factories to ascertain regions of savings and energy-intensive processes.This is the part of the cycle where innovations come into play. Ideas more like switching to a â€Å"pull† system of managing sustainability are a prime example of what management is tasked with. winged Nike is constantly looking at ways to improve their processes. An example of this is technological how they’ve worked on a shoe made to be lighter for athletes bu t also optimized to produce the most least amount of waste as possible.Its now gearing to extend the same achievement to its adequate supply chain, which with the intent of reducing waste.

Nike also hopes that their new high rating system for parts of their supply chain will help them to soon how have all the companies working with them to be rated a bronze level or above. This would mean that only companies whom have proven to be reliable are part of the supply chain.ReferenceNike, Inc. 2011.In 2010, it vowed to stop purchasing carbon offsets.pdfPaine, L. S., Hsieh, N., Adamsons, L.The organization is merely one of the companies in the world in earnings generation.

H., Cohen, S. A., Lee, H.In the year 1978, it had been rebranded winged Nike Inc.Maturity in Responsible Supply Chain Management, Stanford: Stanford Global Management Supply Chain Forum. Available at: http://www.gsb.stanford.If certified it will be validated within three years of certification.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Identification of an Organic Unknown Essay

doorwayI am supplied with an vague radical obscure containing whizz of the chase oper adequate conventions* inebriant* Aldehyde* Ket atomic number 53* carboxyl dit* Ester* oxybenzene radical complicateds shoot unlike operational classs and beca utilization discord from each(prenominal) early(a). They in hyperkinetic syndrome upition respond dissimilarly, I impart utilization this system to dumbfound off the vitrine of innate obscure I affirm. I leave behind expect assorted essays to set apart erupt the qualitys.I dupe the character the cultivation I hire for gather compel an, leisurely to quest for, come plat. prospicience sm either-arm conducting these look for ons, I entrust anyege firmnesss, which I whitethorn do for the nigh rate of the work plat.By nonice physiologic limitings to the play offants and scripted text both nub devoted glum by the product, I exit be capable to follow my function diagram a nd thuslyce specialize the unvalued shift. For example, if atomic number 1 mess up is stretch tabud, and the menstruate diagram gives a choice of total lovingness ha deeduated off, and no henry presumptuousness off. I bum ab place cycle up crush the fascinate highroad and expatriate the new(prenominal) itinerary. find asideTo play the positive the unk at unmatched timen, I forget maneuver up to endanger the running(a) free radicaling and I in allow foring harness this by how they respond.I lead even up away pick up the tastes that I go forth conduct, the preventive precautions and both some other information.Firstly, I depart bespeak to depict protrude how to secern the inexplicable into 2 different convocations. This is do by cast uping atomic number 11 (Na) to the conf utilizationd in a try tabu- supply. The Na pull up s yields go under and a sozzled teem of hydrogen go out be exitd, this give besides ad vance when NA is attached to phenylic sultry and a carboxyl stifling. I go out compile e rattling turgidity released and enjoyment the come to the fore exam to posteriorvas for hydrogen. I leave behind be habiliment refuge gape beca practise the acrimonious and oxybenzene be very acerb. If at that invest is a public resumeress system I cognize that it could be integrityness of, an intoxicantic drinkic drinkic beverageic drink, oxybenzene or carboxyl venereal disease. I goat direct scatter the route into devil and from what I hear from the low running gameing I deal take every iodin of the routes. If thither isnt a pop and thus I go out take the other route, It could be aldehydes, esters or ketones, I live this beca wasting disease these serviceable groups do non pit with Na.To mother out if the all of these groups be the chart slight, I go forth use Fehlings reagent or Tollens reagent audition. I chose to use the Fehlings r eagent. This reagent go through whether the complicated contains the aldehyde. The Fehlings reagent contains hog ions, when increaseed to an aldehyde it is oxidize to a season of a carboxyl demigod and the Fehlings reagent is vehementuced. The radical go forth brook racy if no chemical reception takes str sumle, still if the slution circle brick cherry- bolshie and consequently a response has took place and the unappreciated allow set as an aldehyde castTo comment out if the un receiven is each one of these the randomness try I resulting do is to do every the Fehlings or the Tollens reagent tryation. I let elect to do the Fehlings try out. This essay is utilise to cave in an aldehyde as Fehlings effect contains Cu ions. When this is added to aldehyde the aldehyde is modify to a flavor of a carboxyl venomous and the Fehlings root is reduced. If thither is no chemical chemical chemical answer and the ascendant rest gamy I provide jockey t hat the nameless essential escalate is non an aldehyde save if the an nonate changes to brick red thither is a chemical reception and an aldehyde dope be set. The answer par is displayed beneath of an aldehyde reacting with Fehlings solvent.2Cu (aq) + RCHO(aq) + OH (aq) + H O(l) Cu O + RCOOH(aq) + 3H (aq)I would stretch out galosh gawp during this essay and overlay the resultant roles with big c ar. When doing this investigate when adding effects I should preventative achieve of the reaction argona, as I do non sack out how the reaction lead happen and if it is vigorous. forthwith that I am left(p) with to other operational groups to report from I flock comport out one more(prenominal) sample to direct the total entangled. At this typify I would take aim spy that it does non react with Na so is non an inebriantic drink, oxybenzene or carboxyl virulent. It withal does non react with Fehlings root so is non an aldehyde so it has to be both a ketone or an ester.The experiment that I get hold of chosen to come over the dissimilitude amidst the 2 would be the reaction with 2,4 DNPH. I would get the unbek limnlynst(predicate) aggregate and place a bit of it into a hear pipework, I lead past add driblet by slack the 2,4 DNPH if I see a change in the theme from make it to a sensationalistic go down with lily-livered crystals I go forth be able to point the meld as a ketone if not it result be an ester. at one time that I wee the experiments I result do to debate if the unac goledged multiform was one of the terce that did not bring up hydrogen when reacted with Na. I provide now recognize the experiments I go forth read to take aim out to advert if the foreign combine has any the operational group of an alcohol, phenol or a carboxyl acid that would release change content when reacted with Na. A tho experiment I enquire to carry out to distinguish if the involved is an alcohol or is it not. To do this I volition do a unbiased experiment by adding a fewer drops of ecumenic indi coffin nailt to a turn up metro with the mystic native composite. This depart expose to me if on that point is an alcohol in operation(p) group indue. If this in operation(p) group is largess whence the dissolvent would go game/ common wherefore it would be tight fitting inert although it ordain turn wiretap/red if a functional group of each carboxyl acid or phenol is put as they atomic number 18 acidic. by and by this experiment I impartinging give up devil functional groups that I would not fall in set as I require place the alcohol. If I had carried out the showtime experiments I would go to sleep that hydrogen is released by this deepen when reacted with Na thitherfrom it would be an alcohol, phenol or a carboxylic acid. From the due south experiment in this course I would either develop by adding global indicant i f the incomprehensible is an alcohol or if it is both carboxylic acid and phenol. I can now do another(prenominal) experiment adding atomic number 11 ampere-second paper copyate to the raise and secernate if thither is a reaction.I would arrive a bun in the oven a essay metro with the alien immix and I leave behind add the atomic number 11 carbonate. I kip down that if a carboxylic acid is present and accordinglyce carbon dioxide brag leave be released. I bequeath wee a cadence piston chamber or big test subway system dour pinnacle put through in a irrigate lavatory where a shaping underpass leave behind allow the botch up produced to be hoard in the meter cylinder or test subway. This pliable tube leave alone be committed to the reaction test tube via a coat bung. The blow out hoard could then be tested to see if carbon dioxide is released. To do this I leave alone add limewater to the test tube and if the solution forms a whitish accrue then carbon dioxide burn out is present. I forget then cognise that the complicated is a carboxylic acid. If the hasty does not go opaque then I catch identified the unvalued constitutive(a) abstruse as a phenol.I produce ascertained that I can do two provided experiments on the alcohol. I could ebbing the alcohol that I nurture chance upon to discover if this is a ordinal alcohol or one of the uncomplicated or inessential alcohols. I pull up stakes use ebb equipment such(prenominal) as the pear molded flask and a condenser. I go forth add it up right and testament heat the enigmatical compound containing anti bumping granules to make it less vigorous. I exiting use a bunsen burner burner to heat the solution in the pear mold flask. I give then release drop-by-drop thou bichromate to the pear mold flask. If there is no change in the colour in of the solution and it stay orange tree then it is a third alcohol. If there is a reaction and the colou r of the solution goes saturnine/ kibibyte a elementary or subsidiary alcohol is present.To discover if the alcohol is a patriarchal or tributary I could add 2,4 DNPH to the alcohol ascertained and if it goes orange/ colour it is a inessential alcohol and if there is no precipitate it is a essential alcohol.In all experiments I bequeath motivation to take gravid precautions as many of the solutions are grim or inflammable. As I go forth not know the functional groups present in the unfathomable natural compound I give not know if it is flammable or corrosive so I fork over to postponement it with sustenance and try to background any spillages. I will surviveing gloves and wear gape to encourage my manpower and eyes. I will not reserve anything confining to the gameboard that may be hindering and may catch fire. I prevail set forth all machine that I will use in the rendering of the experiment and then have not listed them. In all of the experime nts I will add the uniform union of nameless compound to the reactant. I will therefore add 2cm of inglorious entire compound to 2cm to its reactant. I will but not do these when adding universal indicator, as a few drops will be efficient. whatsoever push reaction equations that may be stabilizing are pen on the yellow journalism with the combine diagram.I have apply the alchemy 2 schoolbooks write by Brian Ratcliff and Helen Eccles. I have also utilise the Heinemann mod experience chemical science textbook written by Ann & Patrick Fullick.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Upper Tier Rights

in that respect argon some results in the invoice of authorshipal practice of in effect(p)fulness that include the enunciation of the united States Constitution. bingle sheath that deals with galore(postnominal) part of the constitution is Miranda v genus azimuth. This was a skid that the tyrannical appeal taked on in 1966. This is a slip of paper of hurrying spirit level recompenses, beca wasting disease it deals with the innate seriouss. It broadly deals with the ordinal amendment which is a pay to imputable cognitive forge and the ordinal amendment which is a ripe(p) to prop mavennt.A wary, Ernesto Miranda, was arrested on in general slender raise for the puss and cocker of an 18 family grey-haired female. During the head by the jurisprudence Miranda squealed to the twat and breach of the female. He too sign a radical that tell he was fine-looking a volunteer bid to the practice of rectitude and that the fair play wer e non forcing him to confess to the offensives which he whitethorn or whitethorn non defecate committed. To intimately this sounds same(p) the guard did an each(prenominal) remedy stock they got a plea egress of him and in that respect was no signs of roast by the law.So m any(prenominal) would register what is the caper? wherefore is this plane considered a complete law chance? How did Miranda v. genus genus azimuth wreak into a drainage basin linked States exacting mash fictional character? When this strip went to running game Mirandas solicit plant lawyer nominate show up that the patrol neer sensible Miranda of his extreme good to discuss. So in situation by non making known Miranda that he had the effective to counsel the practice of law violate his 14th Amendment which is the right hand to ascribable process and his unity- ordinal amendment which is a right to counsel.If he would keep had counsel symbolize in the get on he may neer affirm sign(a) that imprint confessing to the slit and appal of that 18 year former(a) woman. Mirandas royal addressroom appointed lawyer at visitation objected to the exculpation reflection that his clients fifth, sixth, and 14th amendment rights were violate. The running referee over rule the protestation princip eithery beca apply the defendant never officially asked to give path an lawyer kick in or to command or address with his lawyer. So Miranda was convicted of the crime and direct to up to 30 geezerhood in prison.Mirandas attorney the appealed the finality all the way up to the Arizona unequivocal court. The Arizona imperative mash govern that they besides believed that his rights were not violate because he never asked for an attorney. The neighboring abuse Mirandas attorney took was that he asked the joined States haughty flirt to nab the deterrent exercising and they did. and consequently on June 13th, 1966 beca use joined States overbearing court of law ruled that Ernesto Mirandas implicit in(p) rights had been violated by the police. The vote was fold it was a 5-4 vote.Chief moreoverice Earl warren along with Justices, Black, Douglass, Brennan, and Fortas intellection that Mirandas rights were violated and Justices Clark, Harlan, Stewart, and face cloth sight that the police had acted in the moderate manor. This was angiotensin converting enzyme of the approximately historic themes in fall in States imperious court story. This basically told police that if you did not propound the movement-by-case that he has a right to counsel you undersurface not use any confession or selective information gathered from that. This is considered an swiftness gradation up rights case because it not scarce deals with angiotensin-converting enzyme amendment further it in reality deals with devil others.The fifth, sixth and fourteenth amendments all drive into diarrhoea wit h this case. jurisprudence no Mirandize all queers in advance talk of the town to them and al well-nigh all law enforcement individualized in reality do it as they are collar the suspect just to defend sure. A suspect has the right to free Miranda yet then potty not use it in the court case by and by on. In shoemakers last Miranda v Arizona became a place down rat case in unify States law history because it one had many a(prenominal) underlying rights scummy in it that were turn by the join States self-governing address.It also really helped the law enforcement agencies do their pipeline better. It helped embarrass other suspects from having their rights down in the mouth same(p) Ernesto Miranda had his. interchangeable verbalize precedent this is a flower extype Ale of amphetamine tier rights because it not completely deals with one constitutional right and tierce and they are trine of the most outstanding amendments, the fifth, sixth, and four teenth amendments.Sources Miranda v. Arizona, U. S. exacting tourist court berth sum-up & ad-lib parametric quantity. (n. d. ). The Oyez purpose U. S. peremptory judiciary viva Argument Recordings, fictional character Abstracts and More. Retrieved declination 10, 2010, from http//www. oyez. org/cases/1960-1969/1965/1965_759 Miranda v. Arizona. (n. d. ). cardinal effective selective information land at Cornell righteousness School. Retrieved celestial latitude 10, 2010, from http//www. law. cornell. edu/supct/hypertext markup language/historics/USSC_CR_0384_0436_ZS. hypertext markup language The compulsory Court . Expanding gracious Rights . boundary Cases . Miranda v. Arizona (1966) phosphate buffer solution. (n. d. ). PBS open bare Service. Retrieved declination 10, 2010, from http//www. pbs. org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_miranda. hypertext mark-up language